Women empowerment is a key to economic turnaround since women participation in
economic activities are considered must to achieve the targets set for progress and
prosperity particularly in South Asia where women accounts for more than half of the
total population. Therefore, empowerment of women in South Asia is direly needed to
bring them into mainstream of development to the journey of progress and prosperity.
They should be encouraged to come forward and play their part in socio-economic
development of the region.
The Project titled “Networking and Capacity Building of Women Entrepreneurs (SMEs)
from SAARC Countries" is being carried out by PASTIC. All the eight SAARC member
countries including, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal,
Pakistan and Sri Lanka are participating in the project through their country
collaborators (Implementing Agencies, IAs), whereas PASTIC is country collaborator
from Pakistan and is the Lead Implementing Agency (LIA) since project is conceived by